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Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

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Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Mushroom Cap » 27 Jun 2013, 01:52

September 6, 2013 EDIT: All ten codes have been released, they are:

First off, this is my first post here and I'd like to thank Rick and whomever is responsible for creating these great tools to edit the Magic DotP series.

Figuring out how to unlock the promo cards using Rick's tools was extremely easy. I haven't seen anyone post this info anywhere, and the promo codes for the game unlocks have not been released yet, so I figured I would let everyone know how to do it, as this will hopefully speed up the release for the promo codes to come out. I tried to explain this in a way that as many people as possible can access the unlocks.

If you don't mind losing all of your in game progress, you can skip all these steps and just download a profile with 40/40 unlocks for all decks. You can find it here. Simply extract the file to your steam user data folder for Magic 2014 (usually at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\_YOUR USER NUMBER_). You might want to back up your profile before overwriting it! Also, change the file name of YOUR_USER_NUMBER.profile to your Steam user number (same number as your user directory). If you don't want to lose everything else that you worked for in the game, then please follow the steps below. :)

Please note that this trick only appears to work if you have bought the deck key (to unlock 30/30 cards) for the decks that you are unlocking the promo cards for, or if you have also edited the necessary files to trick the game into thinking that you have unlocked all the cards. All this method basically does is trick the game into thinking that the ten promo cards are no longer promo cards, but regular unlocks.

Step 1:
Make a copy/backup of your DATA_DECKS_D14.WAD file in your "Magic 2014" folder (usually found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Magic 2014\).

Step 2:
Get the tools that you need here. Click on the second link and download the file. Extract this file to a new directory or your Magic 2014 folder. Copy the "dynamic patcher wrapper DLL" from here (d3dx9_43.dll) into your Magic 2014 directory.

Step 3:
Copy the file DATA_DECKS_D14.WAD from your Magic 2014 folder into the directory where you just unzipped (unless you unzipped it to your Magic 2014 directory).

Step 4:
Drag and drop your D14_DATA_DECKS.WAD file onto the gibbed.duels.unpack.exe file.

Step 5:
The above step created a folder called data_decks_d14_unpacked. Navigate to that folder in Windows. Keep navigating until you get to the UNLOCKS directory at data_decks_d14_unpacked\DATA_DECKS_D14\DATA_ALL_PLATFORMS\UNLOCKS. You should now see a bunch of .XML files.

Step 6:
Simply EDIT (or open in notepad) each of the .XML files that have PROMOS in their file name. You should see a line at the top as follows:
<UNLOCKS uid="9094" deck_uid="10" content_pack="0" game_mode="2">
All you want to do, is change the "2" to a "0" as follows:
<UNLOCKS uid="9094" deck_uid="10" content_pack="0" game_mode="0">

Step 7:
Drag and Drop the data_decks_d14_unpacked folder onto the file and wait a few seconds for the cmd window to disappear. Rename data_decks_d14_unpacked.wad to DATA_DECKS_D14.WAD.

Step 8:
Copy the DATA_DECKS_D14.WAD from the tools directory into your Magic 2014 directly. Done!

Once you do anything in the game that writes to your profile (like editing and saving a deck, playing a game, etc) you can exit the game and you can replace the "hacked" DATA_DECKS_D14.WAD with the original that you backed up. The game will still remember that you have 40/40 cards for all decks even with the original WAD.

EDIT: Yes, if you are wondering, this works in multiplayer too. =)

EDIT 2: Added the proper links in Step 2.

EDIT 3: Adding a warning at the top, thanks to Riiak.

EDIT 4: Changed the disclaimer at the top in light of new information/testing from others.

EDIT 5: Changed some info and steps around to make the process easier. Added links for a profile download of 40/40 cards for all decks.
Last edited by Mushroom Cap on 07 Sep 2013, 06:29, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Shabla » 27 Jun 2013, 05:15

The link you gave for the tools doesn't have a binary of the unpack program :(.
I tried the version on this page : but when I try to unpack I get this message :
Code: Select all
Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException: bad wad version
   at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.WadFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
   at Gibbed.Duels.Unpack.Program.Main(String[] args)
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Mushroom Cap » 27 Jun 2013, 05:47

Shabla wrote:The link you gave for the tools doesn't have a binary of the unpack program :(.
I tried to link directly to the binary files in my post, but I was not permitted by the forum to link "off site" files. You need to click on the second link under Tools, then download the file.
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby CharybdisV » 27 Jun 2013, 06:48

Unpacked, edited the values to 0, and repacked. Were the cards supposed to show up in the unlocked section? Also, would it be possible to unlock all of the cards and each deck via this method of recoding? ie unlocking all unlocks, boss decks, etc? I apologize if the answer is self-evident, I'm still getting the basics of coding and manipulating code down. :D

EDIT: Nevermind I found my mistake with regards to my promotional unlock problem.

EDIT EDIT: It seems I spoke too soon. The client crashes at the intro screen (Just before the ingame menu) with the edits to the XML files. It makes an information dump and tells me to send it to bug reports. This only happens when I make the prescribed edits. Anyone else get this issue?
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Shabla » 27 Jun 2013, 07:41

Mushroom Cap wrote:I tried to link directly to the binary files in my post, but I was not permitted by the forum to link "off site" files. You need to click on the second link under Tools, then download the file.
Thanks, I'm pretty dumb I didn't even check the 2 links and assumed they were the same or something.

Did everything successfully, but now when I start the game, after the intro movies I get a crash saying that:
Code: Select all
Successfully created minidump "[MyDocuments]\..." please attach it to your bug report.
I tried with and without the d3dx9_43.dll, still crash.
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Mushroom Cap » 27 Jun 2013, 07:59

CharybdisV wrote:Unpacked, edited the values to 0, and repacked. Were the cards supposed to show up in the unlocked section?
All my deck unlocks went from 30/30 to 40/40 after I changed the values. It's ten cards for each deck, so if you had none unlocked to begin with, then you would have 10/40 unlocked for that deck.

CharybdisV wrote:Also, would it be possible to unlock all of the cards and each deck via this method of recoding? ie unlocking all unlocks, boss decks, etc? I apologize if the answer is self-evident, I'm still getting the basics of coding and manipulating code down. :D
I'm not a coder myself, but rather just a guy who knows where to snoop around for info. I imagine that you could unlock the 30 cards per deck with some editing. All of my .XML files with "UNLOCKS" in the file name had game_mode="0" already as I paid for the deck keys. Perhaps if you haven't bought the deck keys it may show up as game_mode="2" instead. This is actually how I figured out to change the 2 to a 0 in the PROMO .XML's. ;)

CharybdisV wrote:EDIT EDIT: It seems I spoke too soon. The client crashes at the intro screen (Just before the ingame menu) with the edits to the XML files. It makes an information dump and tells me to send it to bug reports. This only happens when I make the prescribed edits. Anyone else get this issue?
Oops. That was my fault. I linked the file for Magic 2013 it seems. I fixed my original post now too. You can find the Magic 2014 version here.
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Mushroom Cap » 27 Jun 2013, 08:13

Shabla wrote:Did everything successfully, but now when I start the game, after the intro movies I get a crash saying that:
Code: Select all
Successfully created minidump "[MyDocuments]\..." please attach it to your bug report.
I tried with and without the d3dx9_43.dll, still crash.
That was my fault, the d3dx9_43.dll on that page is for Magic 2013. The updated one for Magic 2014 can be found here. I updated the original post as well with the proper link.
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby kevin77845 » 27 Jun 2013, 08:34

Sorry I am new to this. Whenever I try to type in the command in step four I am always responded with this "D:\Magic\duels-r6_b10>gibbed.duels.unpack data_decks_d14.wad
'gibbed.duels.unpack' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file." What is the problem? Thanks! (The new directory for the tools is named the same as the zip but without the .zip at the end)
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Mushroom Cap » 27 Jun 2013, 13:18

kevin77845 wrote:Sorry I am new to this. Whenever I try to type in the command in step four I am always responded with this "D:\Magic\duels-r6_b10>gibbed.duels.unpack data_decks_d14.wad
'gibbed.duels.unpack' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file." What is the problem? Thanks! (The new directory for the tools is named the same as the zip but without the .zip at the end)
That is usually the error that occurs when you are typing the file name wrong or are in the wrong directory. Type "dir" in the directory and make sure that the gibbed.duels.unpack file is there. Other than that, I have no idea.
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby bQttger » 27 Jun 2013, 14:20

My decks goes from 0/30 to 0/40 cards unlocked or with my unlocked deck 30/30 to 40/40, but no extra cards show up. Why is that?
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Shabla » 27 Jun 2013, 19:02

Got it to work thanks, but same as bQttger, only my deck that already had 30/30 cards unlocked is now 40/40, the others are x/40 (I had unlocked some cards before).
Maybe you need to unlock all 30 cards before the promos are available.

Anyway thanks Mushroop Cap !
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Mushroom Cap » 27 Jun 2013, 21:24

Shabla wrote:Got it to work thanks, but same as bQttger, only my deck that already had 30/30 cards unlocked is now 40/40, the others are x/40 (I had unlocked some cards before).
Maybe you need to unlock all 30 cards before the promos are available.

Anyway thanks Mushroop Cap !
You're welcome! As I briefly mentioned in a reply earlier, I had bought all ten deck keys so all the decks went from 30/30 to 40/40 for me. I only thought of changing "game_mode=2" to "game_mode=0" in the *PROMO.XML files because that's what was the first line in my *UNLOCKS.XML files in the same directory. It's just a hunch, but I would assume that if you had not bought the deck keys, that the value in the *UNLOCKS.XML would also default as "game_mode=2." Perhaps someone who has not bought the deck keys can confirm this and also try changing that value to "game_mode=0" if this is true.

My original post was meant as a way to unlock the soon to be free to everyone promo unlocks. I don't endorse the idea of getting the deck keys for free, but maybe buying them or unlocking them in the .XML files is the only way to get the last 10 promo cards.
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby RiiakShiNal » 27 Jun 2013, 22:00

Mushroom Cap wrote:You're welcome! As I briefly mentioned in a reply earlier, I had bought all ten deck keys so all the decks went from 30/30 to 40/40 for me. I only thought of changing "game_mode=2" to "game_mode=0" in the *PROMO.XML files because that's what was the first line in my *UNLOCKS.XML files in the same directory. It's just a hunch, but I would assume that if you had not bought the deck keys, that the value in the *UNLOCKS.XML would also default as "game_mode=2." Perhaps someone who has not bought the deck keys can confirm this and also try changing that value to "game_mode=0" if this is true.
No, game_mode="2" simply indicates that the unlocks specified in that file are promo unlocks. Specifying game_mode="0" just says they are regular unlocks. The reason they will automatically go from 30/30 to 40/40 is because the game says you have already unlocked unlockOrderId 0 through 9 (the 10 ids used for the promo unlocks) because you have unlocked the regular unlocks with unlockOrderId 0 through 9 (and subsequently 10-29 because you had all 30 unlocked). Short answer is that changing the game mode from 2 to 0 simply changes them from Promo unlocks to Regular unlocks.

For example look at the Garruk regular unlocks:
Code: Select all
<UNLOCKS uid="9081" deck_uid="4" content_pack="0" game_mode="0">
  <CARD name="MASTER_OF_THE_WILD_HUNT_348946" deckOrderId="36" unlockOrderId="0" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="WURMSKIN_FORGER_349090" deckOrderId="37" unlockOrderId="1" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="STAFF_OF_THE_WILD_MAGUS_345267" deckOrderId="38" unlockOrderId="2" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="REVIVE_349064" deckOrderId="39" unlockOrderId="3" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="RANCOR_348480" deckOrderId="40" unlockOrderId="4" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="OVERRUN_350076" deckOrderId="41" unlockOrderId="5" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="ENLARGE_350235" deckOrderId="42" unlockOrderId="6" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="LEATHERBACK_BALOTH_348941" deckOrderId="43" unlockOrderId="7" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="ETERNAL_WITNESS_348916" deckOrderId="44" unlockOrderId="8" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="PRIMALCRUX_348957" deckOrderId="45" unlockOrderId="9" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="PREDATOR_OOZE_348997" deckOrderId="46" unlockOrderId="10" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="LIVING_HIVE_348944" deckOrderId="47" unlockOrderId="11" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="SAVAGE_SUMMONING_350104" deckOrderId="48" unlockOrderId="12" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="REGAL_FORCE_349020" deckOrderId="49" unlockOrderId="13" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="ETERNAL_WITNESS_348916" deckOrderId="50" unlockOrderId="14" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="ELEPHANT_GUIDE_348866" deckOrderId="51" unlockOrderId="15" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="RANCOR_348480" deckOrderId="52" unlockOrderId="16" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="PREY_UPON_350208" deckOrderId="53" unlockOrderId="17" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="BRAMBLECRUSH_337936" deckOrderId="54" unlockOrderId="18" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="RAMPAGING_BALOTHS_348960" deckOrderId="55" unlockOrderId="19" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="NATURES_LORE_351073" deckOrderId="56" unlockOrderId="20" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="BRAWN_365858" deckOrderId="57" unlockOrderId="21" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="FANGREN_FIRSTBORN_348465" deckOrderId="58" unlockOrderId="22" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="OVERWHELMING_STAMPEDE_345319" deckOrderId="59" unlockOrderId="23" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="BIORHYTHM_348896" deckOrderId="60" unlockOrderId="24" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="BEASTMASTER_ASCENSION_348894" deckOrderId="61" unlockOrderId="25" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="BELLOWING_TANGLEWURM_365856" deckOrderId="62" unlockOrderId="26" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="RANCOR_348480" deckOrderId="63" unlockOrderId="27" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="NATURES_LORE_351073" deckOrderId="64" unlockOrderId="28" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="CRATERHOOF_BEHEMOTH_365864" deckOrderId="65" unlockOrderId="29" quantity="1" />
Now look at Garruk's Promos:
Code: Select all
<UNLOCKS uid="9082" deck_uid="4" content_pack="0" game_mode="2">
  <CARD name="FAUNA_SHAMAN_348917" deckOrderId="66" unlockOrderId="0" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="RAMPAGING_BALOTHS_348960" deckOrderId="67" unlockOrderId="1" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="PULSE_OF_THE_TANGLE_350089" deckOrderId="68" unlockOrderId="2" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="PROTEAN_HULK_349009" deckOrderId="69" unlockOrderId="3" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="DECREE_OF_SAVAGERY_348911" deckOrderId="70" unlockOrderId="4" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="VIGOR_349117" deckOrderId="71" unlockOrderId="5" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="GREEN_SUNS_ZENITH_348854" deckOrderId="72" unlockOrderId="6" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="VORAPEDE_348984" deckOrderId="73" unlockOrderId="7" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="CRUSH_OF_WURMS_349056" deckOrderId="74" unlockOrderId="8" quantity="1" />
  <CARD name="TERASTODON_350252" deckOrderId="75" unlockOrderId="9" quantity="1" />
You will notice the deckOrderIds are continuous (and in the regular unlocks start from where the deck, D14_GARRUK.XML left off). However, the unlockOrderIds start over in each file. This is because the unlockOrderId tells the game when this card should be unlocked. Since you have two cards with the same unlockOrderId they should unlock at the same time. I don't know if having multiple cards with the same unlockOrderId will cause problems, but you definitely do not want to have multiple cards with the same deckOrderId as that is virtually guaranteed to cause problems (game identifies what cards are in a deck based on the deckOrderId).

Using this method you could make a mod that tacks on extra unlockable cards to an existing deck simply by adding another unlock file (named differently) and continuing from where the last unlock file left off. For example say you wanted to add another Vigor to Garruk's unlocks just create a new unlock file:

Code: Select all
<UNLOCKS uid="390004" deck_uid="4" content_pack="0" game_mode="0">
  <CARD name="VIGOR_349117" deckOrderId="76" unlockOrderId="30" quantity="1" />
Though it should be noted that adding unlocks will likely cause sync issues due to the decks between players being different (one player's game has the extra Vigor while the other player's game knows nothing about it).
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby Mushroom Cap » 27 Jun 2013, 23:12

RiiakShiNal wrote:No, game_mode="2" simply indicates that the unlocks specified in that file are promo unlocks. Specifying game_mode="0" just says they are regular unlocks. The reason they will automatically go from 30/30 to 40/40 is because the game says you have already unlocked unlockOrderId 0 through 9 (the 10 ids used for the promo unlocks) because you have unlocked the regular unlocks with unlockOrderId 0 through 9 (and subsequently 10-29 because you had all 30 unlocked). Short answer is that changing the game mode from 2 to 0 simply changes them from Promo unlocks to Regular unlocks.
Thanks Riiak for shedding some light on that. You explained that very well. I know that the method of changing the game_mode="2" to game_mode="0" works with no problems if you have already unlocked all of the regular unlocks. I have used my promo cards multiplayer and it works fine. By your explanation, it should also work if you have unlocked the first ten cards of a deck before modifying, correct? Otherwise there are likely to be problems when the game finds two cards to unlock when it's time to unlock a card.
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Re: Unlocking Magic 2014 Promo Cards without the Promo Codes

Postby tanis00 » 27 Jun 2013, 23:14

Hmm, I wonder what would happen if you changed all of the promo game_mode's to 0 and then changed all cards in both files to unlockOrderId=0 either before or after unlocking at least 1 card. I think I might have to give that a shot.
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